2Principals Podcast
Are you tired of feeling stressed out and overwhelmed? Do you struggle to find balance between your work life and personal life? If so, you’re not alone. Many people, especially those in leadership positions, find it difficult to maintain their overall health and well-being. That’s where the 2Principals Podcast comes in. Hosted by Kevin and Jason, two experienced leaders in education who are dedicated to helping everyday leaders learn practical ways to live a more balanced and fulfilled life. With each episode, we tackle a wide variety of conversations related to leadership, mental & physical health, stress management and work-life balance. Regardless of where you are on your journey, the 2Principals Podcast has something to offer. Check us out at 2principals.com for additional information including our clothing store! Please email us at 2principalspodcast@gmail.com for all questions and or comments. We LOVE to hear from our listeners! Episodes drop every Wednesday. All statements made on the 2Principals Podcast represent the personal views and opinions of Jason Paurus and Kevin Jost. These statements are made solely by the individuals in their personal capacities and are not made on behalf of, nor are they affiliated with, their respective employers.

Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Today's guest is our Intern:) Blake Paurus is a Junior attending the University of Minnesota Duluth majoring in Finance and Accounting. Blake has joined the team and is providing wonderful insight and perspective into an entirely different generation. Along with his perspective related to his generation and their relationship with overall health and wellness, Blake will be working with the social media side of things for 2principals.

Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
As a relationship driven leader, Bart Becker has a wealth of experience as a High School Principal . He is the "Keeper of the Keys" who has a wonderful insight not only in the area of leadership, but also in work life balance, stress reduction and mental health and everything in between. Come learn with Bart Becker today!
You can find Principal Becker on:

Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Dr. Kristin Dahl, is a licensed psychologist, registered yoga teacher and owner of Healthwise Behavioral Health and Wellness. Kristin is a mind, body and spirit leader who has a wealth of experience in anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, stress management and mental health. It’s always great to learn from other leaders in the field of mental health and wellness. Come join us today as Dr. Kristin Dahl provides a variety of wonderful insight into the field of health and wellness.
You can find Healthwise Behavioral Health and Wellness on:

Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Today we have John Reeves, High School Principal on the show. John is a relationship driven leader who has a ton of experience in leadership, work life balance, stress reduction and mental health and everything in between. John has the added benefit of having the perspective gained from being a former college athlete. Maintaining his physical health has been a lifelong priority. Come take a listen as we dive into how he maintains overall health and wellness.
Today's Sponsors:
Healthwise Behavioral Health & Wellness
Green Boy Brand
You can find us @:

Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Kate Loveland is a leader, a mom, a friend, a wife and just an all around grounded and driven individual. Sit down with us and enjoy this rich conversation rooted in real-life advice on how to create balance, purpose and how to find your spark.
Partner's of the Show:
Healthwise Behavioral Health & Wellness
Green Boy Brand
You can find us @:

Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
We are excited to have Bob Driver, Executive Director of MN Association of Secondary School Principals on the show today. Bob has a wealth of experience in leadership, the principalship and everything in between. It’s always great to learn from other leaders. Welcome Bob, thanks for taking the time to join us on today’s 2Principals show.

Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Here we go! Take a listen to the trailer of our new 2Principals Podcast.